DHRi Research Engine
Conventional clinical data and digital health research data often came from disparate sources and formats. DHRi Research Engine strives to evolve the current data management platform to be able to model all types of data, ranging from continuous data from health records to DICOM medical imaging information. To fully utilise these data, we will need an integrated and interoperable system equipped with controlled access, flexible API-based framework and on top of these, an off-the-shelf simplicity for analysis.
To meet these requirements, DHRi worked closely with the NIH IT department to develop and implement a comprehensive infrastructure to accommodate the digital health ecosystem. With DHRi Research Engine, researchers can take advantage of hybrid cloud which includes an in-premise server for data procurement and storage, while using public cloud service for seamless data processing and modeling. Moreover, this big data framework complies with data privacy regulation and security, with solutions like encryption to ensure secure handling and management of data. DHRi Research Engine helps researchers to transform data into actionable insights that help in improving our nation’s health.
Further enquiries on this initiative please contact us at: dhri@moh.gov.my